
Posts Tagged ‘Dialog Sunnah Syiah’

Screen Shoot dari akun Aditya Riko 26

Mei 17, 2012 2 komentar

Buku Dialog Sunnah Syiah, terjemahan dari kitab al-Muraja’at karya Abdul-Husain Syarafuddin Al-Musawi.
Buku ini termasuk buku yang dibanggakan oleh para syiah Indonesia. Tetapi ternyata pengarangnya termasuk orang yang ragu-ragu terhadap al-Qur’an, kitab suci umat Islam.

Dalam buku Imamate and Leadership karya Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari, pada bab “Confirmation from the Qur’an and the Sunnah” disebutkan :

Finally, let us draw attention to a possibility that Allamah Sharaf al-Din has raised:

“Although we are convinced that no distortion has taken place in the verses of the Noble Qur’an and that our heavenly Book has not been tampered with in any way, IT IS BY NO MEANS CLEAR that the ARRANGEMENT and RECENSION of the verses is PRECISELY THAT IN WHICH THEY WERE REVEALED. For it is QUITE POSSIBLE that the ‘purification verse’ concerning the People of the House was REVEALED SEPARATELY and then, when the verses of the Qur’an were being assembled, was PLACED in the middle of the verses relating to the wives of the Prophet, either in ERROR or DELIBERATELY.” [234]

[234] Sharaf al-Din, Kalimat al-Ghurra’, p.213.

Oleh karena itu jika suatu saat jalan-2 di toko buku menemukan buku diatas, atau seseorang memberikan sebagai hadiah, harap hati-hati, sebab kalau sudah terpengaruh racun dalam buku tsb, bisa menimbulkan gangguan keimanan, sebagaimana dialami oleh sang penulis buku Dialog Sunnah Syiah itu sendiri.